ideaXme Board Advisors
ideaXme board advisors are global leaders in their respective fields. They volunteer their superpowers to help ideaXme in its mission to Move the human story forward™!

Dr Robert G W Brown FAPS, FIEE, FInstP, MAE. Dr Brown is an Adjunct Full Professor at The University of California, Irvine – in the prestigious Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic – and Visiting Professor in the Department of Computer Science, also at UC Irvine. He is also Co-Owner and CTO of General Noise Ltd, a technology company with a novel algorithm and method for monitoring traffic noise.

Nicole Stott, Astronaut~Artist~Earthling
Nicole is an astronaut and artist who creatively combines the awe and wonder of her spaceflight experience with her artwork to inspire everyone’s appreciation of our role as crewmates here on Spaceship Earth.
She is a veteran NASA Astronaut with two spaceflights and 104 days living and working in space as a crewmember on both the International Space Station (ISS) and the Space Shuttle.
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Professor Winfried Hensinger
Winfried Hensinger is a Professor of Quantum Technologies at the University of Sussex. He heads the Sussex Ion Quantum Technology Group, and he is the director of the Sussex Centre for Quantum Technologies. Hensinger’s group is working on developing practical trapped-ion quantum computers.

Nitendra Rajput VP and Head of Mastercard’s AI Garage
Nitendra Rajput works as Vice President and Head of AI Garage Center in India at Mastercard where he defines and leads the data science and machine learning work for all divisions of Mastercard such as IT, sales, marketing, HR, and many others including the transactions related data for Mastercard.
Sir John Hegarty
Sir John Hegarty, co-founder of global advertising and communications company BBH (Bartle Bogle Hegarty) and founder of The Garage Soho, Investment Company is one of the world’s most awarded and respected creatives in history. He has written 2 best-selling books with a possible third in the pipeline.
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Neil Koenig
Neil Koenig was until recently a senior series BBC producer and journalist. He now freelances. A snapshot of his work: He was producer for several years of this business discussion show hosted by Evan Davis, broadcast on the BBC News and World News TV channels (as well as on R4 and WS).

Marios Kyriazis
MD, MSc (Gerontology), Diploma in Geriatric Medicine (Royal College of Physicians), MIBiol, CBiol is Biomedical Gerontologist & Anti-aging Physician at the British Longevity Society and is on the Editorial Board of Rejuvenation Research.

John Vickers, Chief Executive of Blue Abyss
In October 2014, John created the outline and vision for Blue Abyss, said to be the world’s foremost extreme environment aquatic-based marine to space R&D and training facility. It promises to be “the world’s first commercial astronaut training centre”.

David Grinspoon, PhD, Senior Planetary Scientist, Award Winning Author and Musician
David Grinspoon is an astrobiologist, award-winning science communicator, and prize-winning author. He is a Senior Scientist at the Planetary Science Institute. His research focuses on climate evolution on Earth-like planets, potential conditions for life elsewhere in the universe, and the planetary scale impacts of human activities on Earth.
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