Andrea Macdonald, founder of ideaXme, interviews Stephen Spender, an actor and singer songwriter. He has chosen this path in life because it makes him feel good. It is the spark that drives him forward.
A year ago he moved from Vancouver to London to pursue his music career. He is about to release a new EP and is looking for a manager and record label to support him.
Singing, songwriting and acting as a career gives him the best time in life and that is why he does it!
“The best time I have is when I am really connected to a song. It is a sensual experience. It feels really good.” – Stephen Spender
I came across Stephen Spender outside Greenwich Park, London on a cold day when I was rushing to an appointment. I was stopped in my tracks! When Stephen Spender sings, you just have to stop and listen. I am so happy that I did and now have the opportunity of introducing him to you.
Covered in the interview:
A preview of work in progress including the song “Drifting” from his new EP. If nothing else, please listen to him sing. You won’t regret it!
His Human Story
Stephen discusses his acting career from major parts in Shakespearean plays to roles as policemen in movies.
How singing makes him feel. “It feels good. I am tapped into something. I just feel connected. It just feels right.” Stephen Spender
His love of Shakespeare.
His musical influences – from Leonard Cohen to The Velvet Underground.
Challenges of being a performer.
His inspiration.
Being from a family of creators.
His big ideas
Songwriting and performing.
Who he would like to meet and the question he would like to ask that person
The YouTube video he recommends Baby Blue
Follow Stephen Spender @spendersmusic

Credits: Andrea Macdonald interview video, text, and audio
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