Andrea Macdonald, founder of ideaXme, interviews Kim Guest, the co-founder of Isoshealth, a secure online video platform that “makes it easy to connect Registered dietitians, Physiotherapists and Psychologists with new and current clients to help them get fit, well, healthy and happy”.
Kim is in favour of a holistic approach to health and would like patients to be viewed as people, treated as “humans”, not labeled in accordance with their health conditions or wellness challenges.
She is a digital healthcare pioneer who believes in personalized medicine and wants to empower people to manage their health by providing them with a tailored team of health and wellness professionals who communicate with each other to optimize people’s wellbeing.
“I want Isoshealth to treat people as human beings with individual needs. I don’t want to offer a short term solution. I want to focus on the bigger picture, people’s overall health and how one condition impacts another. To do this everyone needs to be communicating, that is all the people managing an individuals’ health.” – Kim Guest.
Prior to Co-founding Isoshealth, Kim Guest held senior positions in the corporate world for the Milestone Group PLC, O2 Health, Cielo Talent, Celsian, Advantage and Nestar.
Kim Guest’s Awards:
Leadership and Innovation award from Telefonica O2 – August 2012
Finalist for EHI Awards – Best healthcare IT Product Innovation – Sept 2011
Winner EHI Awards – Best use of Mobile Technology in Healthcare – Sept 2011
Finalist of Telecare/Telehealth Provider of the Year – Health Investor Awards – 2012
Finalist for Leadership Award at TfL – Nov 08
Finalist for RAD Award – Best Public Sector – Jan 09
Best Graduate Website – Times Top 100 – March 09
Best Graduate Brochure – Times Top 100 – March 09
Commendation for Best Integrated Marketing Campaign at AGR – 09
The Big Idea:
Isoshealth provides on-demand consultations where professionals and clients can securely connect, share and communicate to reach better #Health #Wellness #Sports goals.
Isoshealth focuses on the individuals needs and connects you with validated, leading nutrition, physical and mind wellness experts, giving trusted health information, answers, and tips, and holding virtual consultations, all designed to make you a healthier, happier you.
You can now have the support of your own personal specialist, anytime and anywhere.
Ask the experts your wellness question and get free expert replies.
The Human Story:
Father’s influence
Corporate ladder
Single mother
Who Kim Guest would like to meet
The question she would like to ask that person.
Follow Isoshealth @isoshealth
Follow ideaXme @ideaxm

Credits: Andrea Macdonald interview video, text, and audio
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