Ira Pastor, ideaXme longevity and aging ambassador and founder of Bioquark interviews Gerald Pollack, Professor Bioengineering, University of Washington, Seattle.

Life is water: Breakthrough Science
Ira Pastor comments:
On the last few shows, we have spent time on the different hierarchical levels of the biologic-architecture of the life and aging process. We’ve talked about the genome, the micro-biome, the macro-biome, the whole organism and its interaction with its external environment, and even dabbled into the area of quantum biology. However, one area often overlooked in talking of living systems is the hydro-dynamic structure of life that holds everything together “Life is water, dancing to the tune of solids.” — Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
We tend to forget that the human body consists of 60-70% water by mass and 99% by molecular diversity found in the Intracellular spaces and the extracellular spaces (including interstitial fluids, trans-cellular fluids, plasma and lymph). It acts as much more than just a benign solvent. Behind the scenes in our daily existence are complex hydro-dynamics impacting all areas of our biology. These hydro-dynamics are involved in reaction diffusion rates, differential sedimentation dynamics, visco-elascocity and rheology (flow), convection, and pertinent to today’s discussion, complex solution, gel transitions, where this very simple H20 molecule can take on an infinite array of crystalo-chemical structural arrangements that help guide our daily biologic functions.
A scientific interest in water: Breakthrough Science
Today’s guest, Dr. Gerald H. Pollack, whose special scientific interest is the relationship between water, health and aging, takes us further along these themes as well as others. Dr. Pollack is a Professor of Bioengineering, University of Washington, Seattle. With a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania, he has lectured extensively on Water Based Technologies, water’s connection to human health, cell biology, and biologic motion. He is also knowledgeable on the subjects of information carry capacity of water, the aqueous origins of life, and ultimately the complexity and dynamics of water’s “fourth phase”, otherwise known as exclusion-zone water or EZ water. He is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of WATER: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal; Executive Director of the Institute for Venture Science; co-founder of 4th-Phase Inc.; and Founder of the Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry, and Biology of Water. He has received numerous honors including: the Prigogine Medal for Thermodynamics; the University of Washington Annual Faculty Lecturer; the NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award; and the Emoto Peace Prize. He has published many scientific papers and is the author of a range of books including, quite pertinent to our discussion, The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor, and Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life.
EZ water: Breakthrough science
On this show we discuss Dr. Pollack’s background, where he grew up, how he became interested in science, namely bioengineering; and how he segued through the science of muscle contraction and the actin, myosin protein model into the area of water science. He provides an eye-opening journey and novel description of the cell as a bio-material, not as just an aqueous bag of bioactive moieties, but as a complex networked “living machine”, rich in polymers, surface forces, solvent-solute interactions, and an endless range of liquid-crystalline structures, which all contribute to biological function. One component involves a topic known as exclusion zone water, EZ Water, a very important state that water exists in (it’s unique conformational structures exclude in different cells) as it supports us throughout our daily life and on-going life processes – Translational opportunities as they pertain to human health – various lifestyle interventions to help enhance our natural, endogenous EZ water reservoir, including consuming waters that have been modified in some way to exhibit more EZ -type properties (disclaimer – while its estimated that the bottled water market is going to grow to $200 billion, and brands may be using Dr. Pollack’s research and name, he does not endorse any of these products). He will also discuss exposure to various exogenous physical dynamics such as infra-red light and fields of negative charge which provide important energy reservoirs for endogenous EZ production in the body, and certain drugs that may act as agonists, or serve as pseudo-EZ-water mimetics, for the endogenous production of EZ water in-vivo.
Support for breakthrough science
Professor Pollack speaks of the connection between water science and quantum biology. Furthermore, he details his work with the Institute for Venture Science (IVS); a research organization accelerating scientific breakthroughs that challenge fundamental claims of how nature works. It seeks breakthroughs, curates new explorations and rigorously validates their potential.
Moreover, IVS is importantly endorsed by Nobel laureates, heads of industry and academia.
Credits: text, audio and video interview, sourcing and research: Ira Pastor, ideaXme longevity and aging ambassador and founder of Bioquark.

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