Andrea Macdonald, Founder ideaXme
Andrea Macdonald is Founder of ideaXme, a global podcast, ambassador and mentor programme which will shortly launch as an engagement platform to encourage rich connectedness human to human to help move people’s endeavours forward. She is fanatically curious about the people and ideas that Move the human story forward!™ and would like to encourage everyone to be similarly curious to take part in the processes that move us all forward.
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Sir John Hegarty Creative Director and Board Advisor, ideaXme
Sir John Hegarty, co-founder of global advertising and communications company BBH (Bartle Bogle Hegarty) and founder of The Garage Soho, Investment Company is one of the world’s most awarded and respected creatives in history. He has written 2 best-selling books with a possible third in the pipeline. Current books, Creativity: There Are No Rules and Advertising: Turning Intelligence into Magic have not just been benchmarks for both the creative and communications industries they have inspired disruptors and innovators across a multitude of sectors.
At the heart of Hegarty’s work, his creativity, business ethos and indeed philosophy of life stands one word. That word is “truth”. Listen to this ideaXme interview or read the transcript of the interview below to learn of how truth and creativity combined has rocketed Sir John Hegarty to the top of the creative world.