Sheefali Asija ideaXme Humanism Ambassador
Sheefali Asija, is ideaXme humanism ambassasdor. Moreover, she is an award-winning artist. See her work here: Sheefali Asija.
In a world increasingly dominated by “exploitative narratives of fear and pessimism”, she feels compelled to “produce works that direct our attention to the many colossal activities underway that inspire optimism, determination and hope. The constructive cooperation by individuals from a vast multitude of backgrounds (national, cultural and religious) with the goal of furthering our understanding of the physical universe manifests the truth that we are a species can achieve more when we stand together than when we stand apart.
Right now, the greatest scientific efforts we have ever embarked upon are underway with the goal of unlocking mysteries in the fields of particle physics, research into dark matter and dark energy, gravitational waves, missing antimatter, extra dimensions and the potential existence of the multiverse”.
As ideaXme humanism ambassador, Sheefali interviews the creators and innovators who shape our world. She adds a new dimension to the ideaXme ambassadorial role as her plan is to create major pieces of art, in collaboration with scientists and leading thinkers, via the ideaXme platform. The first collaboration project begins in August 2019. It is with a leading physicist introduced to Sheefali by ideaXme.