Dr. Samer El Sayary, ideaXme ambassador ID: 001
Samer El Sayary, PhD, is an assistant professor of architecture, researcher, and award-winning architect with a special passion for outer space architecture.
He graduated in 2001 with honors, top of his class. He has received 39 awards, national and international, from 4 different continents. Those awards include:
– 1st Prize Mars City design foundation (Los Angeles, 2017)
– Jacques Rougerie Foundation (Paris 2016, 2018 & 2020)
– Kuala Lumpur International Architectural Festival (Malaysia 2019)
-1st Prize Mediterranean scientific forum “MEDIBAT”, (Tunisia 2011)
-Hasan Fathy award for sustainable architecture (Egypt – Twice 2011& 2013)
-Honored by Society of Egyptian Architects (S.E.A 2017) as one of the best 100 architects in the last 100 years in Egypt.….to name few.
His work is exhibited in several countries including NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston (USA) 2019, Medcop 21 France 2015 & Paris 2016, Greece 2015, Tunisia 2011, Egypt 2011 & 2013 , Malaysia 2019 among many several other countries.
His work also has been featured in the Discovery channel UK documentary, Dutch TV, California Dreamers channel, Forbes middle east magazine, Wired magazine 2017, Up- magazine and L’arca magazine, Architecture d’aujordhui special edition 2021, universetoday.com, designboom.com, archdaily.com, spacearchitect.org among many others.
Dr. El Sayary is an experienced guest speaker. Talks include: AIAA LA/LV (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) 2020, TEDx BAU 2016, IdeaXme Radio UK 2021, Digital futures 2021,Crew central Asia 2021, among many others.
In addition to being invited as a Keynote conference speaker, he has been interviewed on television in 6 countries. Moreover, he has published several scientific papers including Q1 Journals and reputable International Conferences after turning his awards into scientific research.
Besides his career he served as:
-A Jury member for various international design and architecture competitions as Mars society 2020 colonies, IDS Cairo 2020, BIM Africa 2021 awards.
– Mars City Design ambassador for 3 years (2017-2020).
– Junior ambassador for Jacques Rougerie Foundation since 2019, after either winning or shortlisted for 6 consecutive years in space architecture competitions.
– Autodesk certified instructor (ACI) in both digital design and BIM since 2012.
– Autodesk approved instructor (AAI) since 2008.
He also taught in numerous workshops in 13 different countries over 10,000 trainees during the last 20 years.