Dr Sam Illingworth’s Poem | Greening Healthcare

Dr. Sam Illingworth reads his poem Greening Healthcare. Poem 9. Watch the video here.

Dr Sam Illingworth with his poem Green Healthcare from The Poetry of Science
Dr Sam Illingworth with his poem Green Healthcare from The Poetry of Science

ideaXme Creators

This collaboration is the first in a series of ideaXme collaborations with scientists, innovators and artists who move the human story forward. The ideaXme creator series is found here: https://radioideaxme.com/creator-series/ 

Dr Sam Illingworth

Dr. Sam Illingworth, PhD. Atmospheric Physics, is an Associate Professor in Academic Practice at Edinburgh University in the UK. His work and research focus on using poetry and games to develop dialogue between different audiences.

Neighbourhood Green Space and Healthcare Costs

This poem is inspired by recent research, which has found that neighbourhood green space is tied to lower healthcare costs.

According to the World Health Organisation, urban green spaces (such as parks, playgrounds, and residential greenery), can promote mental and physical health, and reduce morbidity and mortality by providing stress alleviation, supporting physical activity, and reducing exposure to air pollutants, noise, and excessive heat.

In this new study, researchers used satellite data to determine the amount of green space within 250, 500, and 1,000 meters of the home address of more than 5 million people who were members of the healthcare provider Kaiser Permanente Northern California for at least 2 years between 2003 and 2015. They then determined the individual care costs for each patient, considering age, gender, race/ethnicity, air quality, and neighbourhood characteristics such as income, education level, housing density, and population density.

The research found that on average, people who lived near greater amounts of green space were more likely to be older, male, white, and have higher income and education levels. However, even allowing for these different factors, the annual average healthcare cost was found to be $374 lower per person per year for those living near the most green space than it was for those living near the least green space. This research therefore raises the possibility that residential greening can have a significant healthcare cost impact across the population. It also further highlights the need to ensure that green space is made available to all citizens, especially those from more deprived areas, who typically have less access.

Research on which the poem is based:

Association between residential green cover and direct healthcare costs in Northern California: An individual level analysis of 5 million persons

Links to Dr. Illingworth’s audio podcast and social media:

Find all of his poems in this series (and further information relating to credits):



Twitter: @samillingworth

Facebook: samillingworth

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