Ira Pastor, ideaXme exponential health ambassador and founder of Bioquark interviews David Mittelstein, MD/PhD Student at California Institute of Technology and Keck School of Medicine of USC.
Ira Pastor comments:
Today we are going to head back towards a major set of pathologies responsible in 2020 for what is still a big portion of the $7 trillion global healthcare figure, and that’s cancer.
Despite the major progress that has been made over the last century on improving patient outcomes and the period of so called “disease-free survival,” we still have an ugly set of numbers in front of us – World Health Organization (WHO) data is as follows for 2018: 18.1 million new cases of cancer and 9.6 million deaths.
Is Oncotripsy the Next Big Thing in Defeating Cancer?
Today however, we are going to move away from some of the more traditional biological themes such as chemotherapy, immunotherapies, and “smart” check-point inhibitor drugs, and journey into the fascinating and unique bio-physical world of cancer, and specifically talk about an emerging discipline called Oncotripsy, which is defined as a method of selectively targeting cancer cells by means of ultrasound harmonic excitation of their resonance frequency (similar to how a trained singer can shatter a wine glass by singing a specific note).
Now, as some may remember, we actually talked a little bit about this general domain a few months ago on the show where Professor Dr. Irena Cosic at RMIT Australia came on and discussed her Resonant Recognition Model (RRM) of macro-molecular interactions which proposes that protein (and other macro-molecule interactions) are based on highly specific resonant electromagnetic energies.
David Mittelstein Researches How Ultrasound Can Be Used to Treat Cancer
Today, we are joined by David Mittelstein, MD/PhD Student, at California Institute of Technology (CalTech), Keck School of Medicine of USC, and lead author on a recent paper, in Applied Physics Letters, entitled “Selective Ablation of Cancer Cells with Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound,” which gave fascinating proof of the concept for this new approach, which unlike other forms of therapy, doesn’t require cancer to have unique molecular markers or to be located separately from healthy cells to be targeted.
This work was done in collaboration between California Institute of Technology and City of Hope Beckman Research Institute.
David attended the University of Southern California (USC) where he received his Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering (Biochemical), and Caltech, where he received his Masters of Science in Medical Engineering.
He is also the founder and President of Vision for Vision, a non-profit student-run organization dedicated to raising awareness about eye care examinations for the early diagnosis of diseases like glaucoma.
On this show we will hear from David:
About his background, how he developed an interest in science and biomedical engineering, and how he finds himself in this fascinating domain of oncology research. An overview of Oncotripsy and the importance of studying the Bio-Physical world of cancer. His proof of concept Oncotripsy work and his future research visions. Finally, we’ll learn about the Vision for Vision project.

Credits: Ira Pastor interview video, text, and audio.
Follow Ira Pastor on Twitter: @IraSamuelPastor
If you liked this interview, be sure to check out our interview with Dr. Irena Cosic!
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