Ira Pastor, ideaXme exponential health ambassador and founder f Bioquark, interviews Nina Khera, 13-year-old longevity and genomics researcher and Founder and CEO of Biotein.
Ira Pastor comments:
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is a term used to group together four key academic disciplines used extensively when addressing education policy and curriculum choices in schools to improve a country’s competitiveness in internal science and technology development, workforce and economic development, and is even related to broader transnational issues of climate change, pollution, migration, and space travel.
The ideaXme show has hosted several wonderful guests that really epitomize what the impacts of such educational activities can yield in the younger generation who are going to be leading our planet forward in the coming years.
We’ve interviewed Mr. Fionn Ferreira, an 18-year-old student scientist, winner of the 2019 Google Science Fair and $50,000 prize for his methods removing microplastics from seawater.

We’ve had on the UK’s Ms. Tilly Lockey, a 14-year old advocate for next generation bionic prosthetics and technologies.
Today we have another truly fascinating guest, Ms. Nina Khera, is a 13-year-old longevity & genomics researcher.
Nina Khera Is a Young Biotech Entrepreneur
Ms. Khera is founder and CEO of a biotech company called Biotein which focuses on merging the tools of gene sequencing and AI to discover novel altered phenotypes in the mitochondria of senescent cells.
She has another start-up project called Genetechs using the same tools with focus on diagnosing schizophrenia at an early stage.

Ms. Khera has also worked on a project with Walmart, proposing innovate and cost-effective solar panel configurations, and with Wealthsimple, a Canadian online investment management service focused on millennials for Registered Education Savings Plans (investment vehicle available to caregivers to save for their children’s post-secondary education), to help them better target customers.
Ms. Khera is a member of The Knowledge Society, an organization that aims to develop the next generation of “activators” that will solve the world’s most important problems.
She served as a volunteer for Chrystia Freeland, at the time Minister of Foreign Affairs, and now Deputy Prime Minister of the Canadian government.
Ms. Khera has spoken at several recent innovation conferences including Connect I.T., Collision, Oakville Enterprises Innovation Hub, and she writes occasionally for the Life Extension Advocacy Foundation blog.

On this show we will hear from Ms. Khera:
About her background and how she developed such a strong interest in science, technology, and entrepreneurship at such a young age. Why she is interested in longevity biotechnology. About her ongoing projects in the areas of cellular senescence, schizophrenia, andepidermolysis bullosa. Her combined theory of aging (lifestyle, genetics, and entropy). How the educational system can encourage the development of more “Nina Khera-style” thinkers. Finally, we’ll hear about the influencers in her scientific and business life.

Follow Ira Pastor on Twitter: @IraSamuelPastor
If you liked this interview, be sure to check out our interview with Google Science Fair Winner Fionn Ferreira!
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