Ira Pastor, ideaXme longevity and aging ambassador and founder of Bioquark interviews Aubrey de Grey, Chief Science Officer at SENS Research Foundation and VP of New Technology Discovery AgeX Therapeutics.
Ira Pastor comments:

The year is now 2019. Global Nominal GDP is $87 trillion. We have surpassed $7 trillion in total annual healthcare expenditures around the globe and are spending close to a $1 trillion a year on pharmaceutical products. But as fascinating as these numbers are, even more remarkable, is that the bankers, economists, and research analysts whose jobs it is to have their fingers on the pulse of where and how all this money in moving and shifting around the system, have in recent months had some very interesting things to say!
Dr. Vanessa Colella, Chief Innovation Officer at Citigroup and Head of Citi Ventures recently highlighted anti-aging medicines as 1 of the top 10 Disruptive Innovations in their Citi Global Perspectives and Solutions Report. Akinori Ueda of Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research recently reiterated their firm’s position, following up on the 2017 report entitled The Coming Age of Regenerative Medicine, that the hot new area of biomedical science could change the way we think about aging. And just last week Bank of America Merrill Lynch analysts, Felix Tran and Haim Israel, issued a client report which highlights moonshot medicine and ammortality research (described as tools that enable the world population to live free of disease) which they predict will bring unprecedented increases to the quality and length of human lifespans prolonging healthy human life well beyond 100 years.
Dr Aubrey de Grey
Dr Aubrey de Grey, Ph.D. Chief Science Officer and Co-founder of the SENS Research Foundation arguably single-handedly started this “snow ball” rolling 15 or so years ago which took longevity biotechnology from a small niche to what is in real time becoming a major aspect of biomedical pursuit.
With a PhD. in Biology from Cambridge, Aubrey has spent the last couple of decades designing and translating a set of biomedical interventions focused on the SENS Foundations core damage repair approach to treating the diseases of aging and has identified seven types of molecular and cellular damage caused by essential metabolic processes.
Aubrey serves in advisory capacity on numerous small biotech companies, research organizations, and investment groups. Dr. de Grey is an international adjunct professor of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, a fellow of the Gerontological Society of America, the American Aging Association, and the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies. Aubrey also serves as the VP of New Technology Discovery at AgeX Therapeutics.
On the show:
Aubrey talks about his background, how he became interested in IT, how he transitioned into biology, and how he finds himself in 2019 at the epicenter of the global longevity biotech movement. About the 7 deadly SENS research program and from a 2019 perspective, what he is most excited about, what has been most surprising, and what keeps him awake at night. The SENS Research Foundation Project 21 campaign and his 2019 topline thinking about getting clinical trials done in this unique globalized environment of medical training and research. The financing landscape as it pertains to longevity biotechnology. Cryonics and future interests.
Towards the end of the interview, also discover what Aubrey De Grey has to say about Peter Diamandis, co-founder and Chairman of the X Prize Foundation and co-founder of Singularity University.
Follow Aubrey de Grey on Twitter @aubreydegrey.
Find out more about the SENS Research Foundation
Follow Ira Pastor on Twitter @IraSamualPastor
Instagram: @iraspastor

Credits: Ira Pastor interview video, text and audio interview.
If you liked this interview, be sure to check out our interview with Peter de Keizer on the breakthrough science of senolytics!
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