LIVE FAST. DIE OLD: Fighting Back Against Ageism!

Ira Pastor, ideaXme longevity and aging ambassador and founder of Bioquark interviews David Harry Stewart, Founder and CEO AGEIST-“Live Fast. Die Old”, a global movement and media brand fighting back against ageism, which focuses on the generation of people age 50 and over who are living longer and “better than before”. 

Revolution which is taking place in getting old

They promise to change perceptions of this age group, in fact to disrupt society’s view of this sector by showing how people of 50 and over think and live. AGEIST offers media covering culture, style, travel, health and science and invite both the over 50’s and adults of all ages to experience the revolution which is taking place in this sector.

Ira Pastor and David Harry Stewart, founder Ageist
Ira Pastor, ideaXme longevity and aging ambassador left, Photo Credit: ideaXme.  David Harry Stewart, founder AGEIST right, Photo Credit: AGEIST


Ira Pastor comments:

For the last few months we’ve been profiling many of the cutting edge bio-technologies that are in the pipeline for moving us into a 21st century curative model whereby we can begin to have a major impact on many of the chronic degenerative diseases responsible for human suffering and death, and push us into an era of extended health-spans, lifespans, and rejuvenation.

When you listen to people talk within the longevity biotech community, whether in the traditional, or conservative, or more radical end of things, you routinely hear the same general expression and that is “Our goal is to make 70, or 90, or 150, or 300…. the NEW 50!!” Now these are indeed worthwhile goals to strive for.

But what is 50? It is much more than just a chronological or biological age. From the dawn of human pre-history, through the Bronze Age and the Iron Age, there was no 50+. A saber tooth cat, or spear tip, saw to that. Up until a few hundred years ago, 50 was reachable, but for the most part it was the end of life. In came better sanitation. We now reach 50, but it’s an “old” 50. Into the era of our great grand-parents and grand-parents era and the accessibility of antibiotics, vaccines and better healthcare.

Fighting back and refusing to be “put out to pasture”

Now we’re past 50, but it’s 50 that’s somewhat close to “out-to-pasture”; playing golf, taking cruises, and struggling with the kid proofing on a Viagra prescription. But now, in 2019, 50 is a very different thing. The 50+ population are a much more vibrant, vital, and invigorated group. As a generation, currently the over-50s set have become a critically important demographic.

David Harry Stewart Founder AGEIST
David Harry Stewart, founder AGEIST, Photo Credit: AGEIST

Power to the over 50’s

They are a large and powerful generation, with major political, social and economic standing, representing trillions of dollars of wealth. And with the ongoing development of newer technologies and knowledge in the area of human health, 50 currently offers a window on what a future world of “the perpetual new 50” may look like moving forward throughout the millennium.

David Harry Stewart Founder AGEIST
David Harry Stewart, Founder AGEIST, Photo Credit: AGEIST

Fighting back and disrupting ageism

In my interview with David Harry Stewart we are going to discuss the topic of ageing and his company’s mission to reinvent how life after 50 is lived, experienced and understood. “It’s a different world for people our age than our parent’s world, and we are here to explore it.” David is an expert on, and a passionate champion of the emerging global over-50 lifestyle including culture, style, travel, and health sciences.

David Harry Stewart founder AGEIST
David Harry Stewart, founder AGEIST, Photo Credit: AGEIST

AGEIST, a unique organisation disrupting ageism

Today we will hear from David:

About his journey to creating AGEIST. What led him to create the AGEIST organization. Both Stewart’s and the often outdated societal definition of ageing.

The reality of a curious, energetic and forward leaning 50+ demographic and how they stay so young and vibrant. How this community looks at longevity biotechnology.

“The Graying of Naughty” article featured in The New York Times, on sexuality and relationships in the vibrant 50+ set.



Ira Pastor, Life Sciences Ambassador
Ira Pastor, ideaXmelongevity and aging ambassador

Credits: Ira Pastor interview video, text, and audio.

Follow Ira Pastor on Twitter: @IraSamuelPastor

If you enjoyed this interview, we think that you’ll also enjoy Studying Evolution to Banish Against Ageing.

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