Ira Pastor, ideaXme longevity and aging ambassador and founder of Bioquark interviews Jahahreeh Finley, a life science patent attorney with a difference! Jahahreeh makes connections, both intellectual and intuitive to produce powerful scientific breakthroughs in life sciences.
He has recently authored several publications that will “likely have an immeasurable impact on the assessment of disease ethology”.

Scientific breakthroughs and innovation
In 2014, Jahahreeh was the first person to publish that metformin, an anti-diabetic drug, will ameliorate accelerated aging defects in cells from children with the genetic disease Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) and beneficially alter a gene splicing factor that is dysregulated in HGPS. This hypothesis was substantiated in 2016, with metformin alleviating accelerated aging defects in HGPS cells and beneficially altering the same gene splicing factor that was hypothesized by Jahahreeh in 2014. Normal humans also produce the same toxic protein via the same faulty gene splicing method that causes accelerated aging in HGPS patients, making the substantiation of this hypothesis relevant for normal aging as well.
In 2015, Jahahreeh was the first person to publish that HIV-1 latency & HGPS are connected by the same protein that metformin has been shown to primarily activate, called AMPK. Recent evidence has substantiated this hypothesis, with metformin having been shown to activate AMPK, inhibit the same splicing factor that is dysregulated in HGPS & HIV-1 latency, decrease the levels of the toxic protein progerin in HGPS cells, and destabilize latent HIV-1, facilitating immune system detection and destruction.

In 2016-19, Jahahreeh was the first person to publish that the same protein (AMPK) that connects HGPS & HIV-1 latency also links “jumping genes” and telomerase with human consciousness and the activation of human oocytes, a prerequisite for the creation of all human life. This hypothesis has also been substantiated, with the antibiotic ionomycin having been shown to activate AMPK, efficiently promote HIV-1 reactivation, activate “jumping genes”, and induce human oocyte activation during IVF procedures, producing healthy children.
Papers and articles relating to Finley’s scientific breakthroughs and innovation
Metformin and AMPK link cancer stem cell elimination with the potential eradication of HIV
Ira Pastor comments about the history of scientific breakthroughs
On previous shows we’ve spoken with a broad range of experts. We’ve interviewed MDs and PhDs, geneticists, embryologists, biophysicists and quantum biologists. Moreover, some guests have even been nominated for the Nobel Prize.
Yet many of the greatest discoveries and innovations made by mankind have been complete accidents.
Alexander Fleming accidentally discovered Penicillin leaving an uncovered petri dish sitting next to an open window that became contaminated with mold spores.
Sloppy lab technique at Sandoz caused Albert Hofmann to accidentally absorb LSD and do an unplanned n-of-1 clinical trial with the powerful psychedelic agent.
Technicians running early clinical studies on a blood pressure drug known as Viagra noticed an interesting side effect in all of the male subjects.
Moreover, let us remember that Albert Einstein referred to his time hanging out, not in a lab, but in the Swiss patent office, which he referred to as “That worldly cloister where I hatched my most beautiful ideas” including brownian motion, quantum theory, and special relativity, as his most productive time.
The potential of the human mind is amazing.
Ira Pastor comments on his interview with Jahahreeh relating to scientific breakthroughs
Today’s guest is considered a genius. He makes connections through massive human processing power and “intuition” to produce scientific breakthroughs. He is in short a wonderful fit for the ideaXme show model.

Finley is a Doctor of Law, has an MBA and an MSc in Biotech and is an accomplished patent attorney. He specializes in intellectual property protection in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors.
In 2014, Jahahreeh was the first person to publish that Metformin, a commonly prescribed anti-diabetic drug and hot topic in the field of aging research, will ameliorate accelerated aging defects in cells from children with the genetic disease Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome.
In 2015, Jahahreeh went on to publish that HIV-1 latency & HGPS are intimately connected by the same protein that Metformin has been shown to primarily activate, called AMPK or AMP-activated protein kinase.
From 2016-19, he published AMPK’s linkage to “jumping genes”, telomerase, human consciousness and the activation of human oocytes, a prerequisite for the creation of all human life.
He will discuss his background and interest in the triad of science, law and business. We’ll learn about his view on patents and trade secrets in a 2019 biotech world and integrated theories on novel uses for Metformin, and other gero-enhancing, re-purposed pharmaceutical drug candidates in the anti-aging biotech research domain. He’ll also talk about how he has been leveraging this tri-pillar skill set to generate novel ideas in the biomedical space, “ex-lab”.
Find out more:
Twitter: @JahahreehFinley @IraSamuelPastor @ideaxm
Credits: text, audio and video interview, sourcing and research: Ira Pastor, ideaXme longevity and aging ambassador and founder of Bioquark.

ideaXme is a podcast, ambassador and mentor programme. Mission: Move the human story forward!™ ideaXme Ltd.
This interview is also available in video format on ideaXme’s YouTube channel, SoundCloud, iTunes, Spotify, Radio Public and more.