Andrea Macdonald, founder of ideaXme, interviews Hollie Fraser, founder of Books on the Underground would love to meet Emma Watson to say thank you in person for helping to bring her big idea to the attention of the world! The campaign #love2meetemma starts here!
On 1 November, 2016 Emma Watson became a book fairy for the day. It was her participation in Books on the Underground, a movement to share books and encourage more people to read that led to worldwide media coverage for the organization. A global reading movement was ignited.
Covered in the ideaXme interview:
The Big Idea:
People donate books which are then left by book fairies on trains and in stations for readers to borrow. It is all free!
The movement exists in more than 10 of the world’s major cities and more to come.
When you start reading about Books on the Underground, you realize it really is as simple as it sounds. We make sure that there are books travelling the London Underground, to be found by lucky travelers who then read them, and return them to the tube.
Books on the Underground was created in 2012 by Hollie Fraser, but since its foundation she has moved to NYC to run Books on the Subway with Rosy Kehdi. We are now managed by Cordelia Oxley in the UK, who has been involved since early on in our history. Cordelia now runs Books on the Underground, and is supported by a team of Book Fairies.
A worldwide reading phenomenon, that needs more celebrity support to encourage people to donate books, collaborate, participate and of course get reading! Shout out to celebrities that love reading!
Looking for more collaborators in Shanghai, Tokyo and all major cities with train networks!
“We make an effort to go up to the Bronx and give people who would not have access to books the opportunity to get involved with Books on the Subway.” – Hollie Fraser
Why it should always stay a grass roots project.
Want to help make this meeting happen?
Twitter: @holliefraser @EmmaWatson ideaXme @ideaxm #love2meetemma.
#love2meetemma launched on 8 February 2017 by ideaXme “The Humans behind the big ideas shaping our world. Help and inspiration for future creators and for all those who love big ideas and great stories. Social media campaign, podcast and soon to launch social network.
The Human Story:
“I’ve always been an avid reader and had spoken about this idea for such a long time when my husband just told me to get on and do it!” – Hollie Fraser
The first book Hollie read.
Books Hollie suggests that you should read before you die.
As a believer in the sharing economy, Hollie shares her time with other causes in New York, where she recently moved.
Words to inspire young people who are thinking of launching a big idea.
“If you’ve got an idea that you are passionate about, you’ve just got to act on it and put the time and effort in.” – Hollie Fraser
If you would like to support this campaign #love2meetemma, launch Books on the Underground in your city, donate books, become a book fairy or would like to help spread the word of this worldwide reading movement.
Twitter @EmmaWatson

Credits: Andrea Macdonald interview video, text, and audio
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