Andrea Macdonald, founder of ideaXme, interviews Connie Henry, ex international triple jumper, BBC and Olympic sports journalist and founder of the Track Academy.
She’d love to meet The Elders. She has a question for them. Find out more below!
“We seek to listen to young people and encourage youth leadership across every area of our work, from climate change to conflict resolution.” – The Elders.
A message for The Elders:
If you give Connie Henry the chance, she’ll show you just how much she’s transforming young lives and with a little help and support from you, she could help many more kids from challenging circumstances.
The Human story:
How I came to be an athlete at aged 15.
Why I chose the triple jump.
Where I started on the path to becoming an athlete.
Why I’d like to offer kids the same opportunities that I had.
Motherhood and why it is my most challenging and fulfilling role so far.
What I would like for my child.
The Big Ideas:
The Track Academy
Mentoring athletics coaches and children.
Why you should not be defined and limited by the circumstances which you were born into.
What I am doing to help kids from disadvantaged backgrounds.
The success stories.
The plans for the Track Academy.
Why 2017 is an important year for us.
Connie Henry is looking for a full time bid writer for the Track Academy. If you would like to hear more about the role, get in touch here: [email protected]
She would like to attract more funding for the Track Academy.
The Question for The Elders:
How do you do what you do? How do you keep going?

Credits: Andrea Macdonald interview video, text, and audio
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